What’s New in GMS – August 3, 2020
Posted in News Story
Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of August 3, 2020.
HCM Updates
HCM200803.01 – Track Campus Eligible Workers in GMS
Impacted Roles: HR Executive
New Custom object on Worker has been created to track employees that are eligible to return to campus and have signed the Compact. These updates have been made to enable this process:
1) Added a To Do on Request for Leave of Absence BP for a specific role to update the Campus Return Eligible flag for workers going on a leave of absence
2) New report – GU Update Campus Return Eligibility on Worker – for HR Executive to track employees
HCM200803.02 Freeze Position Initiators
Impacted Roles: Academic HR Partner, Employment and Recruitment Specialist, Compensation Analyst
The following roles are now able to manage position freezes by initiating the Freeze Position BP:
- Academic HR Partner
- Employment and Recruitment Specialist
- Compensation Analyst
HCM200803.03 – Vacant Position Clean Up
Per feedback from campuses, old vacant positions have been closed. Questions or concerns regarding impacted positions should be directed to Campus Finance Offices or UHR.
HCM200803.04 – Supervisory Organizations – Default Org Assignments
The Sup Org and Move Worker Request Form has been updated to reflect that Cost Center, Fund, Program, Purpose may be added when the Core Team creates the new supervisory org. This will reduce the amount of keying needed when positions or hires are processed. The default codes may be overriden.
HCM200803.05 – PTO Accrual Update
The limit on PTO accrual has been reinstated effective August 2020. Questions about PTO balances should be directed to your HR Client Services Partner.
HCM200803.06 – Redeploy Functionality
The following GMS business processes were updated to support the Redeploy program: Create Position, Add Additional Job, Edit Position Restriction, and End Additional Job. Human Resources will manage the Redeploy program in GMS.
Financial Updates
FIN200803.01 – NextSource Invoice Integration
NextSource invoices are now directly uploaded to GMS via an integration file. As a result, invoices will no longer be attached in GMS. A detailed description of the charge will instead be added to the invoice memo line field. This will include:
- Name of worker
- Approving manager
- Period being invoiced
- Hourly rate for the period
Any additional details needed regarding billing are available upon request from NextSource at georgetown@nextsource.com .
FIN200803.02 – Mass Close Procurement Documents and PO Rollforward
Impacted Roles: Cost Center Manager, GU-Cost Center Buyer, GU- Finance CFO, GU-Requisitioner, GU-Senior Business Manager
Prior to YE close, POs were rolled forward for the new FY. In addition, based on feedback from campuses, hundreds of POs were closed en masse prior to the roll forward.
FIN200803.03 – Award Corrections Processed
Impacted Roles: GU-Advancement Award Analyst, GU-Co-Principal Investigator, GU-Grant Manager, GU-Lead Principal Investigator, GU-Post-Award Director, GU-Post-Award Manager, GU-Post-Award Specialist, GU-Pre-Award Director, GU-Pre-Award Manager, GU-Pre-Award Specialist, GU-Principal Investigator
Hundreds of awards have been corrected based on review by the pre-award offices. Here is attributes that have been corrected:
- Sponsor – 17
- CFDA number – 53
- Award purpose codes – 99
- FAIN, Passthrough, Award Ref Number – 72
FIN200803.04 – Customer Contract Specialist Can Initiate Bad Debt Write Off
Impacted Roles: Customer Contract Specialist
The Customer Contract Specialist role now has the ability to initiate bad debt write off events.
FIN200803.05 – New Close Customer Contract Process
Impacted Roles: Customer Contract Specialist, GU-Finance CFO, GU-Senior Business Manager
A new customer contract Amendment Type is available called “Completed Contract.” This contract type is intended to be used for closing contracts when all work is completed. These events only require approval from the Senior Business Manager, and then the Accounts Receivable Manager. Also, when using this Amendment Type be sure that the Contract Status is changed to Complete.
FIN200803.06 – GU-Q Receipting Changes
Impacted Roles: Accounts Payable Data Entry Specialist, Cost Center Manager, GU-Cost Center Buyer
All GU-Q Supplier Invoices will no longer require creating a receipt on the purchase order. There will still be a 2-way match between PO and Invoice. In addition, all non-integration system-generated GU-Q invoices with PO/Supplier Contract will route to CCM before the 2-way match process.
FIN200803.07 – Upcoming & Overdue Award Task Language
The language on the GMS generated alerts for Award Tasks which will expire in 30 days and Award Tasks which have expired, has been updated to direct the responsible employee on where to send completed Programmatic Reports.
FIN200803.08 – New Report – Capital Projects Summary Report
Impacted Roles: Controller, Project Finance Manager, GU-AVP Approver, GU-Capital Procurement Contract Manager, GU-Capital Project Manager, GU-Capital Project Reviewer, GU-Finance CFO, GU-Finance Institutional Reporting, GU-Project Reporter – Construction, GU-Project Reporter – IT, GU-Senior Business Manager, GU-University Treasurer, GU-VP Approver
A new report is available to view capital projects, including key fields like:
- Supplier
- Project Number
- PO Number
- Invoice Number // External Invoice Number
- Payment Date
- Check Number
- Invoice Total
- Payment Total
- Retained Amount Released
FIN200803.09 – Updated Report – GU Effort Certification Status Report
Impacted Roles: Controller, GU-Campus Financial Reporter, GU-Co-Principal Investigator, GU-Effort Certification Coordinator, GU-Effort Certification Process Manager, GU-Finance Institutional Reporting, GU-Finance Institutional Reporting Plus, GU-Grant Manager, GU-HR Institutional Reporting, GU-Lead Principal Investigator, GU-Post-Award Director, GU-Post-Award Manager, GU-Principal Investigator, GU-Q-Post-Award Manager, GU-University Treasurer
The GU Effort Certification Status Report now contains additional fields related to the Grants tied to the effort certification lines.
FIN200803.10 – GUMC Spend Authorization Changes
The Spend Authorization threshold for Senior Business Manager and Finance CFO approval thresholds for GUMC has been set at $250.
FIN200803.11 – New Worktag – Sponsor Budget Code
A new custom worktag is available called Sponsor Budget Code. This worktag is intended to enable alternate reporting structures and is currently only intended for Georgetown Global Health.
If you have questions regarding these changes or any other GMS support questions please contact help@georgetown.edu.