What’s New in GMS – November 9, 2020

Posted in News Story

Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of November 9, 2020.  

Financial Updates

FIN201109.01 – Basic Gifts (BG) converted to full gift functionality

BG gift worktags have been converted to full gift functionality in GMS with a classification of either Spendable or Non Pooled Investment gift. All current use gifts (unrestricted and restricted) are Spendable gifts. Other endowed funds such as separately invested and life income and annuities are Non Pooled Investments. This change also provides BG gifts to use gift reporting fields such as donor restriction excerpt.

FIN201109.02 – Change Order Compliance

Similar to the validations in place for Purchase Orders (POs), Cost Center Buyers (CCBs) will receive a hard-stop validation when attempting to add funds to an existing PO via standalone Change Order that is not linked to a Requisition (if >$500) or Contract (if >$10k and services). Below is a summary of what to do if you receive the hard-stop error message:

If attempting a CO for any PO >=$500, then you should create a REQ and source it to the existing PO. Refer to page 5 in the job aid (End to End Procurement Guide) for more details.

If attempting a CO for a services PO >=$10k that is not linked to a CON, then you will no longer be able to use that PO going forward. You should close the existing PO and reopen a new REQ/PO; refer to page 20 in the job aid (End to End Procurement Guide) for more details.

Please note that CCBs will still be able to do a CO on an existing PO if there is no change in the PO amount and only the worktags or ship-to location are changing. There will not be any exceptions to this approach. However, you may reach the Contracts team (contracts@georgetown.edu) if you encounter challenges.

If you have questions regarding these changes or any other GMS support questions please contact help@georgetown.edu.