What’s New in GMS – November 19, 2018
Posted in News Story
Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of November 19, 2018.
HCM Update
HCM181119.01 – Updated GU Roster Management – Vacant Positions Report
Impacted Roles: Academic HR Partner; CFO; Compensation Analyst; Department Administrator; Employment and Recruitment Specialist; Finance Partner; GU-HR Institutional Reporting; HR Contact; IDEAA Administrator; Institutional Reporting
The GU Roster Management – Vacant Positions report has been updated as follows:
- Change field Position Budget Worktags to field Position Budget Worktags from Highest Line Amount
- Add field Annualized Default Compensation from Position Restrictions
- Add field Current Job Posting Exists?
- Add field Last Action Date on Job Requisition; the order of events for evaluation:
- Offer completion date
- Job requisition update
- Job application event (except for initial creation/submission, unless added by Primary Recruiter)
- Job posting event
- Rename Compensation Plan on Position column grouping to Compensation Plan on Position Restrictions
Financials Update
FIN181119.01 – BP Updates for GU-Q
Impacted Roles: GU-University Treasurer
GU-Q Has been excluded from the $50K threshold on the following BPs:
- Purchase Order Event (Default Definition)
- Change Order (Default Definition)
- Supplier Contract Event (Default Definition)
- Supplier Contract Amendment Event (Default Definition)
- Supplier Invoice Event (Default Definition)
If you have questions regarding these changes or any other GMS support questions please contact help@georgetown.edu.