What’s New in GMS – October 23, 2017
Posted in News Story
Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of October 23rd, 2017.
HCM Updates
HCM171023.01 – New Affiliate Tracks Available
There are now new Affiliate Tracks for Academic HR Partners to use for Academic Appointments. These tracks will allow for campuses to track faculty members’ affiliations with Centers and Institutes within the University.
Finance Updates
FIN171023.01 – Financial Policy 159 Net Asset Classification Revision
Please be aware that effective 10/20/17, the Financial Policy 159 Net Asset Classification has been revised. Included in the revision are the following changes:
- All unrestricted gifts to the University will post to fund 1703 Operating Gifts UR
- New journal accounting process for release from restriction on temporarily restricted net assets where expenses have been incurred in unrestricted funds is available.
Please review the policy for complete details.
If you have questions regarding these changes or any other GMS support questions please contact help@georgetown.edu.