What’s New in GMS – December 2, 2019

Posted in News Story

Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of December 2, 2019.  

HCM Updates

HCM191202.01 – Grant Costing Allocation Historical Lines Bug Fix

GMS incorrectly returned this error when you assigned a costing allocation to a worker:

The company doesn’t match the grant on the award line.

This impacted costing allocations with a grant that was on an award line in Complete or Terminated status. This error has been resolved and you will no longer need to remove the historical lines from the costing allocation.

HCM191202.01 – Grant Costing Allocation Routing Bug Fix

Previously costing allocations would route to Grant Managers on historical lines (with a grant worktag) that are no longer active. Now costing allocations will only route to Grant Managers for active lines.

HCM191202.03 – Live Data Access For Employee Report

Employee Report now available for Live Data within Worksheets.

HCM191202.04 – Attachments on Job Requisitions

Impacted Roles: Employment and Recruitment Specialist

ERS can add attachments on Job Requistion BP.

HCM191202.05 – Automated FERPA Course Enrollment in Everfi

FERPA course assignment in Everfi for required employees is now triggered as part of Onboarding, Change Job and Add Job business processes.

Financial Updates

FIN191202.01 – Currency Conversion for Expense Reimbursement

Impacted Roles: Employee as Self, Contingent Worker as Self, Delegate

You are now able to enter reimbursable expense reports using foreign currencies. Inherent currency conversion is now available for 22+ currencies. If the currency needed is not available, look up on xe.com and populate manually. Also, submit a helpdesk ticket requesting that the currency be added to GMS for future use.

FIN191202.02 – Updates to 15,30,45 Day Procard Alerts

The 15,30,45 Procard Alert language has been updated to reflect that notification includes Travel leaders transactions

FIN191202.03 – GU-Supplier Contract Manager Can Now View Award Contracts

The GU-Supplier Contract Manager role can now view Award Contracts and the related grants and sponsors

FIN191202.04 – Additional Access for GU-Expense Preparer

The GU-Expense Preparer role can now create and view spend authorizations. In addition, the role now has access to process personal ProCard receivable repayments.

FIN191202.05 – Grants Management for PI and Grant Manager Dashboard Available to GU-Assignee

Grants Management for PI and Grant Manager dashboard is available to users with the GU-Assignee role.

FIN191202.06 – New Spend Category for Value-Added Tax (VAT)

New spend category called “Oth Op Exp – Value-added Tax (S0889)” has been added with usage for supplier invoice, procurement, expense. This is intended to capture the VAT on one line for an entire PO/invoice or expense report.

If you have questions regarding these changes or any other GMS support questions please contact help@georgetown.edu.