What’s New in GMS – July 31, 2023
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Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of July 31, 2023.
HCM Updates
HCM230731.01 – Bi-Weekly Pay Group Required for Administrative Positions on Offer BP
Impacted Roles: HR Contact, Department Administrator, Academic HR Partner
New critical alert on the Offer business process that requires the compensation frequency for administrative positions to be bi-weekly. This update excludes Qatar.
HCM230731.02 – I9 Analyst Role Security Update
Impacted Roles: Manager
The I9 Analyst role can now correct the I9 business process if needed.
HCM230731.03 – New Faculty Job Family
Impacted Roles: HR Contact, Academic HR Partner, Finance Partner
A new job family “Faculty Activities” is now available in GMS, with two new job profiles. These job profiles are available for position management positions, and are intended to be used as secondary positions to capture faculty overload assignments.
HCM230731.04 – Vermont State Tax
Impacted Roles: Employees as Self
Enabled Vermont as a state in which workers can be taxed.
HCM230731.05 – End of the national emergency
Impacted Roles: Employee As Self
Effective July 1, 2023, inactivated all COVID-related time off plans for either forward or retro PTO entries.
HCM230731.06 – Minimum Wage Increase
Impacted Roles: Employee as Self
The minimum wage in the District of Columbia increased from $16.10 to $17.00 effective July 1, 2023. As a result, all workers below $17.00 an hour had their hourly rates increased to the new threshold effective July 1, 2023.
Financial Updates
FIN230731.01 – On Behalf Of eRequests
Impacted Role: HR Contact, Manager
HR Contacts are now able to enable an eRequest on behalf of another work, where the eRequest will route based on the worker supervisory org assignments. Said workers will be able to search via the GU Find HR eRequests to see the status of any eRequest submitted on their behalf.
FIN230731.02 – Automatic Approval of Sponsor Invoices that Net to Zero
Impacted Role:
There is no need for approval on Customer Invoices (for Sponsors) that net to zero.
FIN230731.03 – Workday Catalog Pilot: Roberts Oxygen
Impacted Role: Requisition Requestor, Cost Center Buyer
Roberts Oxygen has their catalog with guaranteed pricing for items purchased by Georgetown setup for requisitions under Search Catalog. This catalog is a pilot for catalogs within Workday, allowing for ease of ordering by selecting the items needed and checking out from a cart within Workday. The spend category, item number and price for the selected items will automatically populate, streamlining the requisition process, while also making receipting and accounts payable easier on the back end.