What’s New in GMS – September 8, 2022
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Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of September 8, 2022
HCM Updates
HCM220908.01 – Gender Pronouns
As of May 25, 2022, there is now an option for employees to add their preferred pronouns in GMS. Pronouns by default are not public, but if you would like to make your pronouns public on your employee profile, please follow the steps listed in this Job Aid. Public pronouns will only be viewable by other GMS users.
HCM220908.02 – Termination Business Process Update
Impacted Roles: Manager, HR Contact, HR Client Services Partner, Academic HR Partner, Student Employment Reviewer
As of June 13, 2022, Managers are able to initiate the Termination business process, which will still route for the standard approval.
HCM220908.03 – SEIU-1199 Union Increases
Effective June 13, 2022, all active SEIU-1199 union members received a 1.25% increase to their current hourly rate as specified in their Collective Bargaining Agreement. SEIU-1199 union compensation grades also receive an increase to specified new minimum rates.
HCM220908.04 – PeopleDoc Conversion
Legacy HR, Benefits, and Payroll documents from People Doc were migrated to employee records in GMS. These documents are accessible for central Benefits, Payroll, and UHR roles.
HCM220908.05 – FY23 Merit Increases
Uploaded merit increases for FY23 for faculty and administrative workers.
HCM220908.06 – Benefit Enhancements for Staff and AAPs
As of July 1, 2022 there are several enhancements for Staff and AAPs including: Paid Parental Leave Equalized PTO Accrual New Sick Leave Bank Short Term Disability with Reduced Waiting Period Salary Continuance Leave Bank for AAPs For more information, please refer to the Office of Faculty & Staff Benefits’ page.
HCM220908.07 – Minimum Wage Increases
The minimum wage in the District of Columbia increased from $15.20 to $16.10 effective July 1, 2022. As a result, all workers below $16.10 an hour had their hourly rates increased to the new threshold effective July 1, 2022. Compensation Grade Profiles for Administrative and Student employees were set to the new minimum. In addition, a validation to prevent an hourly rate under $16.10 was implemented.
HCM220908.08 – OA Annual Performance Reviews
Performance Evaluations were configured and launched for the Office of Advancement (OA) on July 7, 2022. Specific evaluations were launched for managers as well as standard evaluations launched for non-managers.
HCM220908.09 – GAGE-AFT Wage Increases
Per the student union contract for GAGE, student workers in the Student Research Assistant or Student Teaching Assistant Job Profiles received an increase to $20.29 effective the first full pay period in August.
HCM220908.10 – Preferred Name Change Routing Update
Impacted Roles: HR Contact
Preferred Name Changes no longer require approval by the HR Contact. If Legal Names changes, those will still route for approval.
HCM220908.11 – Time Entry Validation: Prevent Hoya Staffing Employees from entering time on Primary Job
Impacted Roles: Hoya Staffing Employees, Timekeepers and Managers
A system validation was created to prevent time entry on the Primary Job for all Hoya Staffing Employees..
HCM220908.12 – State Taxation Employee Self Service
Allow employees to elect multiple new states as their home state for tax purposes: Washington, Ohio, South Carolina, Arkansas, Texas and Florida.
HCM220908.13 – Transition tax remittance process to ADP
Effective August 1, 2022, ADP became our tax remittance vendor (previously was Ceridian).
HCM220908.14 – Work Mode Custom Org Assignment
A new custom organization is available to identify if a position is Telework, Hybrid, or On Campus. This is a required organization assignment for Administrative positions.
HCM220908.15 – Remote Work Agreements
Impacted Role: Manager
Remote Work Agreements are now generated through the Remote Location Request in GMS. This is for employees with a hybrid or telework org assignment.
HCM220908.16 – Inbox Filters for Faculty Types
Impacted Roles: HR Contact, Academic HR Partner
Systemwide Faculty Inbox Filters are now available. Faculty transactions can be filtered by 3 criteria – Adjunct, Non-Tenure Line and Tenure Line.
HCM220908.17 – Faculty Research Leave Update
3 new semesters added in which faculty can request to take research leave. The faculty leave process was also updated to updated to include an option to take contractual leave, such as chair’s leave.
HCM220908.18 – Voluntary Phased Retirement
Main Campus Voluntary Phased Retirement Applications are available for eligible faculty members effective September 1, 2022.
HCM220908.19 – Positions Summary Report
As of September 8, 2022 the Composite Positions Summary report is available to those in the Finance Partner and CFO roles, providing information by supervisory organization for positions and salary over time.
Financials Updates
FIN220908.01 – Controller is Removed and Assistant Controller is Added to Accounting Journal Event
Impacted Roles: GU-Controller, GU-Assistant Controller
As of June 3, 2022, a new warning has been added to procurement processes if a supplier is to be paid via International Wire in a non-USD currency. Doing this could lead to currency rate mismatches as the wire processor uses their own exchange rates compared to GMS exchange rates.
FIN220908.02 – New Special Condition “Award Amount was Converted into USD from Foreign Currency”
Impacted Roles: GU-Pre Award Specialist
The Pre-Award Offices should use this Special Condition on new awards where: 1) Georgetown is awarded in a sponsor’s foreign currency and the award amount needs to be translated using the applicable exchange rate and display on the Award Header as well as Budget in USD 2) Foreign Sponsor requires an invoice in their currency
FIN220908.03 – Oth Op Exp – Childcare Allowance – No IDC (S1040)
Impacted Roles: GU-Pre-Award Specialist, GU-Pre-Award Manager, GU-Pre-Award Director, GU-Post-Award Specialist, GU-Post-Award Director, GU-Grant Manager
The National Institutes of Health is now providing a childcare allowance to Trainees on NRSA fellowship awards:
Please use the following Spend Category to capture the expense: S1040
The Spend Category is available for the following expense types: (1) Ad Hoc Payment, (2) Expense, (3) Procurement, (4) Supplier Invoice