What’s New in GMS – April 9, 2018

Posted in News Story

Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of April 9, 2018.  

HCM Update

GMS180409.01 – Workday at Georgetown on GMS Website

Impacted Roles: NA

A new section has been added to the GMS website describing the history of the Workday program at Georgetown including the governance model, description of the core team’s function and user and position based roles.  Details can be found on the GMS website and clicking on Workday at Georgetown.

HCM180409.01 – Candidate Personal Data

Impacted Roles: HR Contact, IDEAA Administrator, Employee as Self

Personal data entered as part of a job application for rehired employees will pull through to the Hire, overwriting information on the terminated worker record. This will improve the quality of data maintained in GMS, which is required for IDEAA reporting. Rehired employees will be able to review their personal information as part of their onboarding.

HCM180409.02 – New Compensation Grade Available

Impacted Roles: CFO, Compensation Analyst, Employment and Recruitment Specialist, Finance Partner, HR Contact

A new compensation grade called QT has been created. This compensation grade is for workers in the Temporary job family located in Qatar. There are two compensation grade profiles, and those are QT. Salary and QT.Hourly.

Finance update

FIN180409.01 – New Punchouts Available

Impacted Roles: GU-Requisitioners, GU- Financial Reviewers, Cost Center Managers, Senior Business Managers, GU-Finance CFO, GU-University Treasurer, GU – Cost Center Buyers, GU-Chief Procurement Officer

Two new punchouts are now available within GMS:

1.  CDWG – you may access the entire catalog of software and hardware available from CDWG through this punchout.  This specifically includes Adobe and Microsoft products which you can purchase at our contracted discounts. You may continue to request quotes from CDWG and purchase them directly through the punchout.

2.  Verizon – much like the AT&T punchout, the Verizon punchout will allow you to purchase new phones and service.  You will not be able to change service plans on existing phone lines through the punchout.

Please send any questions to computerpurchasehelp@georgetown.edu

FIN180409.02 – Clinical Trials Invoicing

Impacted Roles: GU-LCCC Clinical Trials Manager, GU-Other Clinical Trials Manager, GU-Post-Award Billing Specialist

Invoicing of Industry Clinical Trials that will be managed in Oncore (Clinical Trials Management System) will be automatically integrated into GMS on a daily basis through a new integration process. This will be important to record revenue generated and receivables.

If you have questions regarding these changes or any other GMS support questions please contact help@georgetown.edu.