What’s New in GMS – December 3, 2018

Posted in News Story

Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of December 3, 2018.  

HCM Update

HCM181203.01 – Recruiting Access for CFO Role

Impacted Roles: CFO (HCM)

The CFO role is now able to see the Potential Duplicate tab when viewing a candidate record in the Recruiting module. The CFO is also able to run the following reports:

– Find Duplicates for Candidate
– Merged Candidate

HCM181203.02 – Time Tracking for Facilities Project Managers is live in GMS

Impacted Roles: GU-Capital Project Manager, Manager, Timekeeper

Starting on 12/1/18, Project Managers can now record time worked in GMS.  Instructions for how to record time are available in the Capital Construction Projects Procurement Training Guide.   

Financials Update

FIN181203.01 – Updated GU Find Expense Reports Report

Impacted Roles: Controller, Cost Center Manager, Expense Partner, Expense Settlement Specialist,  GU-Campus Financial Reporter, GU-Expense Preparer, GU-Finance CFO, GU-Finance Institutional Reporting, GU-Finance Institutional Reporting Plus, GU-Financial Reporter, GU-Financial Reviewer, GU-Grant Manager, GU-Senior Business Manager, GU-Travel Advance User

End Users can now search expense reports by Cost Center Hierarchy via the “GU Find Expense Reports”.

FIN181203.02 – Updated GU Find Customer Contracts Report

Impacted Roles: Accounting Manager, Controller, Customer Contract Specialist, GU-Customer Contract Approver (Unconstrained), GU-Customer Contract Assistant, GU-Customer Contract Content Approver (Unconstrained), GU-Customer Manager, GU-Finance CFO (Unconstrained), GU-Finance Institutional Reporting Plus, GU-General Accounting Office Approver, GU-Global Services Approver, GU-Government Contract Approver, GU-Legal Approver, GU-Office of Technology Commercialization Approver, GU-OSR Customer Contract Approver, GU-Risk Management Approver, GU-Senior Business Manager (Unconstrained), GU-Tax Approver, GU-University Treasurer, GU-Visual Identity Approver

End Users can now search Contracts with a newly added “Cost Center” prompt in the “GU Find Customer Contracts” report.

FIN181203.03 – Award Budget Line extract

Impacted Roles: Pre-Award roles in Main Campus and Medical Center

Monthly snapshot of Award Budget Lines is extracted as a file and is available in Box now. This file breaks down Award Budget from a budget period to a fiscal period time frame by straight-lining the dollars into their respective fiscal years. The Box location is currently shared on an on-demand basis. Please reach out to GMS team (help@georgetown.edu) if this data would be useful for your reporting needs.

If you have questions regarding these changes or any other GMS support questions please contact help@georgetown.edu.