What’s New in GMS – June 10, 2019
Posted in News Story
Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of June 10, 2019.
GMS udpates
GMS190610.01 – Temporary Changes to Delegation Process
Impacted Roles: All Employees
All notifications for delegation business processes have temporarily been disabled. In addition, if the only thing being delegated is the initiation of expense reports, then this will route to the GMS Core Team for review (in lieu of the GU-Finance CFO). This change is intended to facilitate the transition from the Expense Preparer role to using delegation functionality, and will only be in effect until 7/21/19.
GMS190610.02 – New Role Available: GU-Delegation Initiator
Impacted Roles: All Employees
A new role called GU-Delegation Initiator has been created. This role assignable to the supervisory organization hierarchy and grants only the ability to initiate delegations for the assigned organizations. This role can be requested using the Assign Roles business process in GMS, and requires approval from the HCM Campus Representative for assignment. This change is to facilitate the transition from the Expense Preparer role to using delegation functionality.
HCM Updates
HCM190610.01 – Time Off Calendars
Impacted Roles: All Employees
The time off calendars have been extended through the end of FY20. Requests for time off can be submitted for dates through June 2020.
HCM190610.02 – Additional validations on Assign Costing Allocations that use a Grant Worktag
Impacted Roles: HR Contact, Academic HR Partner, Department Administrator, CFO, Finance Partner, GU-Grant Manager
Assign Costing Allocation validations are now further built to look at the Award Line Start and End Date as well as the Award Header Contract End Date when using a Grant worktag.
HCM190610.03 – Modification to Assign Costing Allocation Business Process for Grants
Impacted Roles: HR Contact, Academic HR Partner, Department Administrator, CFO, Finance Partner, GU-Grant Manager
The Grants Manager is now part of the Business Process for a “stand alone” Costing Allocation; the Grants Manager receives an email notification when a Costing Allocation is completed on Hire, Change Job or Add Job.
Financials Update
FIN190610.01 – At Risk Recorded on Award Header and Award Line
Impacted Roles: GU-Grant Manager, GU-Pre-Grant Portfolio Specialist, GU-Post-Grant Portfolio Specialist, GU-Principal Investigator, GU-Lead Principal Investigator, GU-Co-Principal Investigator
At Risk may be recorded on the Award Header and Award Line under Lifecycle Status.
FIN190610.02 – Initiate on Behalf of is Now Available for Spend Authorizations
Impacted Roles: All Employees
You are now able to select Create Spend Authorization for “Initiate On My Behalf” when changing your delegation settings.
FIN190610.03 – Project Managers Assignable to Award Hierarchy
Impacted Roles: Project Manager
The Project Manager role can now be assigned at the top level of the project hierarchy. This means all subordinate projects are now available for selection within time tracking, instead of first needing to be assigned the role to a specific project.
If you have questions regarding these changes or any other GMS support questions please contact help@georgetown.edu.