What’s New in GMS – February 28, 2023

Posted in News Story

Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of February 28, 2023.

HCM Updates

Impacted Roles: HR Contact, Academic HR Partner, Student Employment Reviewer, Department Administrator

Update to the business process notifications for Hire and Add Additional job. Notifications now include the worker’s name, business title, supervisory organization and manager.

Annual Performance Reviews launched on 2/21. More information is available here: https://hr.georgetown.edu/performancemanagement/

Any questions should be directed to the Department of HR.

The 1095 C forms were published and sent to workers. This is required by the Affordable Care Act.

A new allowance plan for Qatari citizens is now available to use by GUQ HR.

Impacted Roles: HR Contact, Academic HR Partner, Student Employment Reviewer, Compensation Analyst, Employment and Recruitment Specialist

There is a new Hazard Pay One-Time Payment plan that is available for use. Please contact the Compensation Team if there are any questions about use cases.

Financial Updates

You can now request a refresh and/or increase to your Declining Balance Cards via the request process. Please review the Procard webpage on the OCFO website for more details https://ocfo.georgetown.edu/expense-management/procard/

Job Aid: https://georgetown.app.box.com/s/gzgiqm45ig5ii0b5atik3pbl9nntsnaz

Impacted Role: GU-Requisitioner, Cost Center Buyers, Cost Center Managers

We are now able to change the requisition requester on a REQ, especially if they are no longer with Georgetown; To request this change, please email help@georgetown.edu with REQ# including who you want to change FROM (old Requester) and TO (new Requester).