What’s New in GMS – May 31, 2023
Posted in News Story
Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of May 31, 2023.
HCM Updates
HCM230531.01 – New Routing for Period Activity Pay step during I-9 Rehires
Impacted Roles: HR Contact, I9 Analyst
When an I-9 Analyst initiates a rehire for a faculty member in the Adjunct Job Family, the Period Activity Pay step will now route to the HR Contact. Adjunct hires initiated by any other role will continue to route to the initiator.
HCM230531.02 – Request Leave of Absence Routing Update
Impacted Roles: Primary Manager
Previously, for workers with additional jobs the Request Leave of Absence business process routed to the manager of each of the worker’s jobs. Moving forward, the request will only route to the manager of the primary job.
HCM230531.03 – New Validation for Inactive Fund Codes
Impacted Roles: HR Contact, Department Administrator, Academic HR Partner
New critical alert on the Assign Costing Allocation BP preventing users from using an inactive fund code.
Financial Updates
FIN230531.01 – Requisition Requestor Pilot – University Services
Impacted Role: Requisition Requestor
In order to increase awareness of your purchasing requests, Procurement Services will be assigning department POCs as the “Requisition Requestor” in GMS requisitions (REQs). This will come with three substantial advantages to the department:
- Visibility within GMS of requests for requisitions: Using the “My Requisitions” report, you will now be able to see whether your requisition has been submitted, where it is in the the approval process, and whether a GMS contract or purchase order has been created, approved, and/or issued.
- Automatic notification of when your PO is issued. GMS will send you an email as soon as the Purchase Order associated with your requisition.
- Ability to receipt directly within GMS: You will be able to access the “Create Receipt” task and put receipts on POs for any goods/services that you receive, immediately after you receive them. You can still submit a FreshService ticket or send an email to your Procurement Analyst to create a receipt for you, but completing the receipt directly can result in quicker payment to suppliers.
We will also assign department POCs as “Contract Observers” for CONs so they can easily track the status of contracts in GMS.
FIN230531.02 – Updates to Procard Requests
New enhancements to the Procard Application and Procard Credit Limit Increase will now allow you to attach any supporting documentation to your requests. As well as clarification on the business cycle and monthly credit limit.