What’s New in GMS – October 31, 2022

Posted in News Story

Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of October 31, 2022

HCM Updates

As of 10/12/22, all roles in the approval chain have the ability to deny role request business processes.

As of 10/14/2022, Administrative workers have the option to submit their self resignation in GMS. For more information, please refer to this job aid .

Impacted Roles: Department Administrator, HR Contact

Update to the Compensation Plan Ending alert (those ending in 30 and 60 days) to include the following fields:

  • Worker’s Supervisory Organization
  • Actual Compensation Plan End Date

As of 10/19/22, the Personal Information Task requires employees to self-report an ethnicity. If someone does not wish to self-identify, they can select the “Not Declared” option. This is not required for student employees.

Impacted Roles: CFO, Finance Partner

The Finance Partner and CFO roles have been added to the following reports:

  • GU Monthly Union Summary
  • GU Union Employee Roster
  • TT – Approved Hours
  • TT – Submitted Hours Not Approved

In addition, prompts for Job Family Group and a field for School have been added to TT – Approved Hours and TT – Submitted Hours Not Approved reports.

Impacted Roles: HR Contact, Student Employment Reviewer, Academic HR Partner

Assign Pay Group step during the Change Job business process is now required.

Financial Updates

Impacted Roles: Cost Center Manager, Senior Business Manager, CFO

GU Unexpensed Procard Transaction Aging report added terminated employee prompt and Worksheets capability.

Impacted Roles: Expense Preparer, Delegate

Update the usage for S1019 to allow Expenses. Create an expense item for S1019 VAT A/R to be used on expense reports, added the Asset Liability validation to not allow S1019 on Expense Report for Grants

Impacted Roles: Cost Center Manager, Senior Business Manager

Supplier Invoice Request will route to Senior Business Manager if initiated by Cost Center Manager.

Impacted Role: Cash Manager

An updated Ad Hoc Bank Transaction template is now available at the following Box link https://georgetown.box.com/s/mxt6xabx21g9vg60a3v92y56c02d4ua1. This new template and EIB now includes a field for grant worktag. Please use this template for loading Ad Hoc Bank Transactions going forward.

The following fields were added to the GU Find Suppliers report:

  • All Addresses
  • All Email Addresses
  • All Phone Numbers
  • Supplier Contact Name
  • Supplier Contact Email Address
  • Supplier Contact Phone