What’s New in GMS – November 5, 2018

Posted in News Story

Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of November 5, 2018.  

HCM Update

HCM181105.01 – Attachments Now Available on Edit Position Restrictions Business Process!

Impacted Roles:
VIEW – Campus Department Administrator, CFO, Department Administrator, Finance Partner, GU-HR Institutional Reporting, GU-Budget Analyst HCM, GU-Campus Budget Analyst, HR Executive, Manager, Management Chain
MODIFY – Academic HR Partner, Compensation Analyst, Employment and Recruitment Specialist, HR Client Service Partner, HR Contact

The Edit Position Restrictions business process has been updated to allow for attachments (i.e. Position Description forms). The only document category available is Position, and this document will not carry over through to the worker record. All roles that can initiate this business process can inherently view these types of attachments, and in addition, the following roles can view these attachments:

Campus Department Administrator, CFO, Department Administrator, Finance Partner, GU-HR Institutional Reporting, GU-Budget Analyst HCM, GU-Campus Budget Analyst, HR Executive, Manager, Management Chain

The easiest place to the locate these attachments once a transaction is completed is in the Business Process History section within the View Position Restrictions task.

If you have questions regarding these changes or any other GMS support questions please contact help@georgetown.edu.