What’s New in GMS – October 9, 2017

Posted in News Story

Please be aware of the following recent updates to GMS processes, job aids or reports as of October 9th, 2017.  


HCM171009.01 – Retro New Hire Analysis Report Now Available

A new report named Retro New Hire Analysis is made available to the following roles:

  • HR Contact
  • Finance Partner
  • CFO
  • GU-HR Institutional Reporting

The purpose of this report is to provide a summary count of all retroactive and proactive of New Hires for the prompted Supervisory Organization and Hire Date range. The summary report can be expanded to view totals by Job Family Group, Supervisory Organization and Worker. The retro and proactive counts are drillable as well to provide more details into the hires that make up the count.

HCM171009.02 – Employees in Fixed Term Position with Employment Date Report Now Available

A new report named Employees in Fixed Term Position with Employment Date is made available to all the roles that currently have access to Employee Report.

The purpose of this report is to provide a list of active Employees who are continuing or will be in the specific Employee Type (as chosen on the report prompt) with an End Employment Date beyond 6 months from the day they filled a specific Position. Alternatively, the default 6 months range (180 days on the prompt) can be removed and the report run for specific End Employment Date ranges.

HCM171009.03 – GU Faculty with Academic Appointment Details Report Now Available

A new report named GU Faculty with Academic Appointment Details is now available for Academic HR Partners.

The purpose of this report is to allow users to view all faculty positions and any associated Academic Appointments. This will allow for users to easily identify any faculty that do not have an appointment on their record, or to confirm that the Position Details and the Appointment Details align accurately.

If you have questions regarding these changes or any other GMS support questions please contact help@georgetown.edu.